Thursday, December 9, 2010

Response to Brittany's Blog

I strongly agree with Brittany’s blog about pro-choice vs. pro-life. She does an excellent job of presenting both sides of the argument, pointing out the pros and cons of each. I also agree with her in the pro-choice area. I would have to consider myself somewhat more pro-choice because I think in some cases abortion is what women feel they need to do, in cases such as incest and rape. I do not feel that abortion should just be a new answer to all unexpected pregnancies, but it is understandable in some severe cases that women find they have no other option but to terminate the pregnancy. Although I recognize abortion as killing an individual because I believe a life is a life at the moment of conception, I still feel that in the cases of rape and incest abortion is the only outlet for many women. In a world passing no judgment we would not be having this discussion, but with the new evolved technologies and opinions, people want their voice heard on all topics. I do not feel that women should ever be looked down upon for the choice they make, even if not due to rape or incest because an abortion is a personal and private choice and I believe it should be viewed that way. I am not at all saying that I agree that abortion is good and I support it, but in the world in which we live abortion has become an option for women, a choice they personally make, and society needs to accept the fact of that. We all have hundreds of personal choices and freedoms, and abortion is no different. I think Brittany’s blog did a great job of representing this topic and fully cultivated the argument as a whole, not just one side. I thought her blog was intriguing to the reader, and she defiantly left me thinking after I read what she had written.

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