Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Conflict of Physicians Assisted Suicide

Medically assisted suicide, or euthanasia, is one of the greatest controversial issues present in the medical world today. What some doctors and patients view as an act of mercy, others view as downright wrong and murder. Doctors who assist their patients in ending life that seems to difficult to continue on living view their actions as doing what they must to ensure comfort for those patients. I have heard of this conflict in the media, in classes, and through casual conversation that people have had when the issue is active in the media. I think that it is wrong and completely unethical for a doctor to assist a patient in committing suicide. No human being, not even the one suffering, should take the life of another or himself. Physicians assisted suicide is blatantly wrong in my opinion, and no counter argument given would change how I feel.
I think the most compelling argument in the article attached is the argument against euthanasia. I think the argument against is more compelling because it is the ethically right choice, and it is the one more firmly backed up by facts and law. People can come up with lists of reasons as to why physicians assisted suicide is merciful and the right thing to do in many cases, but at the end of the day ethical holes can be poked in all in favor arguments. Euthanasia is illegal, it is the act of one human being helping another end their life, and in no way is that acceptable. Just because a person has decided his life is no longer worth living does not mean his doctor should have the ability to help him end his life. The choice of life and death is not up to us as individuals to decide, and by giving doctors the ability to end a persons life, we are violating every ethical standard set in motion to better the life of an individual.

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