Monday, November 22, 2010

World Hunger Response to Technorati

This blog is written by William Lambers and discusses answers to help solve child malnutrition. His blog is informational and persuasive and has been educating people for only a short while. He wrote this specific post in July of 2010, but got a few responses triggering various feed back for the future. This specific author does not seem to blog on a regular basis, but the blog I found pertaining to hunger is one that seems to be professional and well written. He includes many links throughout his post that lead to other sites and articles pertaining to his topic and various forms of research. He links his blog to sites that directly pertain to what he is addressing and tries to provide opportunities for readers to further educate themselves on the topic if they wish to do so. The author does not include pictures in his blog, but I don't really think that pictures would be of that great of value. I think he would benefit from including a video clip of some sort, but that is simply a personal view. This author uses a persuasive yet educational style of writing that is trying to grab the attention of the reader. He is trying to present his ideas while also educating others on the issue that is trying to be resolved. His style differs a bit from the style used to write my paper in the sense that I was not so much persuading to find answers, but rather trying to inform people of the problem at hand. I think overall Mr. Lambers does a good job in his blog, and although it is short, he presents a certain curiosity to the readers. I think his style of writing is one that is interesting and well used in the persuasive place here.

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