Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How To Play Guitar

The topic I chose to write about for my “How To” video discusses playing guitar and teaches the basics to those who are just starting. I felt this was a good topic because guitar is a popular hobby, one I enjoy myself, and it is something that is not particularly difficult to pick up. Playing guitar is a great skill to have, for relaxation and entertainment purposes, and after watching this video clip, I think many people who are not already involved in playing guitar would potentially be further interested in taking it up.
         The video begins with the basic parts of the guitar. The speaker describes the strings, their placement, and a simple acronym to remember them. She then proceeds to teach how to play a basic note, and the various ways to play the simplest notes in music. She shows how to position ones hands on the strings and down the neck of the guitar to play the notes being described. The video shows little boxes of what the notes look like on paper, while the guitarist is also playing the notes, making it easier for one trying to learn to play to follow along. This video provides the simplest notes in the musical world that can also allow one to become acquainted with the hobby and feel confident about exploring guitar further.
         This video has a great deal of positive qualities as I have listed above. I think the one thing that is a bit discouraging is that the speaker herself wasn't an experienced guitar player and wasn't able to complete all of the demonstrations herself. Although that is a tiny flaw, it is one thing that I did notice; however, I would still recommend this video. This is a great video for anyone interested in playing guitar, and I believe it is very well put together.

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