Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Response to Nicole's Blog

            I agree completely with the opinions voiced in Nicole’s blog. Organs should not be sold on the market, and cannot be given a price. The market for selling organs would become a madhouse, and people would be constantly competing to get something that saves their life. People should not have to worry if they have enough money to buy the piece of flesh that could save them; it simply seems unethical. Nicole points out that people would be more willing to simply sell their organs than do actual work, and this is not a point that I had really considered; however, it is a valid one. Once society begins putting a price on organs people can simply sell for the highest bid, and the price of organs would begin to skyrocket, leaving the wealthy at a huge advantage and the poor without a chance. I agree with her that perhaps allowing people to sell would increase the number of organs, but that should say something about our society. What ever happened to doing a common good because it is that right thing to do? Helping people because we are able to do so should be something treated and valued as an act of love for human life, not a love for the price tag attached. I agree completely with all points presented in Nicole’s blog and I think that those who are in favor of allowing organs to be sold should reconsider the door they are opening. The buying and selling of organs can become a messy situation, one that does not need to be presented at this time. I think the donation process is somewhat suffering right now, but awareness and education on this issue can be much simpler and more logical answers to the problem then opening ones wallet.

1 comment:

  1. I'm responding to you, let's debate, if you feel up to it.
